Company 68 • • (559) 298-3133
3/18/99 Join Fire Council PRPOA joined the Highway 168 Fire Safe Council.
4/10/99 CDF Makes PRPOA Aware of Fire Danger CDF personnel Becky Robertson and Bill Johnson spoke, at the PRPOA meeting, regarding fire safety and the dangerous eminent threat of fire in our tract.
4/10/99 Start of Fire Safety Subcommittee PRPOA appointed Larry Pearsall and Ephiram Bosse to a Fire Safety Subcommittee to evaluate fire danger in our tract and recommend ways to improve fire safety.
4/15/99 PRVFD Conception Larry Pearsall presented a comprehensive fire safety report at the PRPOA meeting. One of the recommendations was to start our own fire department. The report was accepted.
8/13/99 E68 Donated Gene Van Dyne donated a 1952 Ford fire engine to the proposed new fire department.
8/15/99 E68 Work Started The 1952 fire engine was towed to Larry Pearsall's shop and renovation was started.
4/8/00 PRVFD Official Start This was the formal beginning of PRVFD. The department was part of PRPOA. Eight men volunteered to be firefighters.
4/8/00 Chief Appointed PRPOA President, Warren Colbert, appointed Larry Pearsall as Fire Chief of PRVFD.
4/8/00 Assistant Chief Appointed Chief Pearsall appointed Warren Colbert as Assistant Fire Chief.
5/20/00 Growing One more volunteer signed on. Training was being considered. Solicitations were started for equipment for the Ford fire engine. The engine is operational and painted.
6/10/00 Growing Insurance and necessary documentation are being evaluated.
7/8/00 First Donation Mission Statement was approved. Gabe Avita donated two Mcleods, our first donation.
8/12/00 Donations Received equipment donations from Pat Gallegos (PCF), Fresno FD and USFS.
8/13/00 First Training First training session, review paperwork, learn how to pump water from Ford fire engine.
9/9/00 Logo Painting Our logo and name was painted on the engine by Rassie Harper.
9/9/00 Road Warrior Start The "Road Warrior" organization was founded. Sharon Moore was appointed Captain and Joyce Jundt Lieutenant. PRVFD now have 13 volunteers.
9/24/00 Training Pat Gallegos led our second training session.
2/23/01 Incident #1 First incident, wildland fire on Kroll property. Slash pile out of control.
4/7/01 Manuals Fire Department manuals were completed and distributed to firefighters.
4/7/01 Donations Donations have been received from Fresno Sheriff's dept., CDF, Auberry VFD and Shaver Lake VFD.
4/9/01 Cressman Clearing Project Cressman Road clearing project started. CDF grant, Miramonte inmate crews.
4/18/01 Standby Duty PRVFD began standing by during Cressman Rd. burning operations and checking burn piles.
5/5/01 E68 New Engine New engine installed in Ford fire engine.
5/24/01 Pine Needle Site Started staffing the Edison Co. Pine Needle Disposal Site.
5/24/01 E268 Donated Received a 1964 International fire engine from Auberry VFD (Ultimately E268).
5/24/01 Chief's Meeting Chief Pearsall attended the first Chief's meeting with CDF.
6/9/01 Separate from PRPOA PRVFD became an independent organization.
6/15/01 Opened Bank Account Opened a PRVFD bank account at Bank of the West and transferred $484.91 from the PRPOA account.
8/5/01 First Drill Conducted our first full scale drill including Road Warriors and CDF.
8/11/01 Truck Registration E68 and E268 received exempt licenses from DMV.
8/11/01 Layton Donation Bob Nestor, Layton VFD, donated turnouts and equipment.
8/15/01 P68 Donated Bob & Carolyn Kroll donated a 1972 International pickup truck (Ultimately P68).
9/8/01 Grant Awarded PRVFD was awarded a $6400 FEMA grant for wildland protective gear.
10/22/01 E368 Donated Ken Leggett donated a 1964 GMC, Van Pelt, fire engine (Ultimately E368).
5/11/02 Company 68 PRVFD officially became Fresno County Company 68.
5/11/02 Road Rangers The Road Warriors changed their name to Road Rangers.
5/11/02 Pine Needle Site Began staffing the pine needle disposal site for the second year.
7/4/02 Fireworks Standby P68 and E68 provided standby service at the Shaver Lake fireworks show.
7/30/02 Insurance Purchased liability insurance.
10/30/02 Constitution A Constitution and By-Laws were adopted.
10/30/02 Election and Appointment Larry Pearsall was elected Chief, Warren Colbert Assistant Chief and Virginia Pearsall Secretary/Treasurer. Gary Martin was appointed Training Officer/
11/20/02 P68 Snowplow P68 loaned to PRPOA for snowplow duty.
1/29/03 New Members Lis Bundli, Ken Leggett and Joe Ubbink joined our Department as Firefighters.
1/29/03 Advisory Board An Advisory Board, consisting of six people, has been appointed.
1/29/03 Smokey Bear The CDF Smokey Bear robot was reconditioned.
2/26/03 Fund Raising Lis Bundli becomes our Fundraising representative. Canyon Fork market receipt program begins.
2/26/03 Donations Bald Mountain VFD donated equipment.
3/26/03 Paint E268 E268 was painted by the Miramonte inmate crew.
3/26/03 Donations Shaver Lake VFD donated equipment.
4/12/03 E468 Donated Shaver Lake VFD donated a 1972 International fire engine.
4/17/03 E568 Donated Shaver Lake VFD donated a 1953 GMC, American LaFrance, fire engine.
5/24/03 Pine Needle Site Began staffing the pine needle disposal site for the third year.
5/28/03 Donations Sierra High School donated equipment.
6/7/03 E468 Display E468 was displayed at the Fire Safe Festival in Auberry.
6/25/03 Clothing T-shirts, sweat shirts and hats with PRVFD on them were received.
7/5/03 Fireworks Standby P68 and E468 provided standby service at the Shaver Lake fireworks show.
7/19/03 Car Show E68 was displayed at the Shaver Lake car show.
7/30/03 Donations Auberry VFD donated equipment.
7/30/03 P68 Pump A slip-on pump unit was constructed and installed on P68.
8/27/03 Scrip Program A scrip program was started as a fund raising effort.
8/27/03 Donations Huntington Lake VFD donated equipment.
9/7/03 Appreciation Dinner The first PRVFD Appreciation Dinner was held for all members.
9/12/03 Bank Account A bank account was opened for the Scrip program.
9/24/03 Pole Barn A pole barn has been constructed on Gene Van Dyne's property for winter storage for two engines.
9/24/03 Employee ID No, An Employee ID number has been obtained.
9/24/03 New Member Laurel Hendrix joined our Department as a Firefighter.
9/24/03 Donations Clovis FD donated equipment.
10/6/03 Smokey Bear Award PRPOA received a Bronze Smokey Bear award in a ceremony at Millerton Lake. PRVFD played a major role in earning this award.
10/29/03 New Member Michael Banton joined our Department as a Firefighter.
10/29/03 Donations Clovis FD, Sheriff's Dept. and USFS donated equipment.
11/26/03 Home Inspections Home safety inspections were started.
11/26/03 Constitution Constitutional amendments were voted in to allow PRVFD non-profit status.
11/26/03 Donations Received four truck radios from CDF.
12/13/03 Clovis Parade PRVFD was invited, by the Shaver Lake Chamber of Commerce, to enter E68 in the Clovis Christmas parade. The engine was prepared and driven to Clovis but the parade was cancelled at the last minute due to the prospect of rain.
1/28/04 New Member Hank van Loon joined our Department as a Firefighter and Captain.
2/25/04 New Member Nicole Banton joined our Department as a Firefighter. To date, PRVFD has 34 members (20 Firefighters, 6 Road Rangers, 5 Dispatchers, 2 Advisory Board members and one Honorary member).
2/25/04 Donations Bald Mountain VFD donated equipment.
2/25/04 Promotion Gary Martin was promoted to Captain. Glenn Clayton, Abb Adkisson and George Lewis were previously promoted to the rank of Engineer. All officers received rank pins.
3/31/04 Fundraising Committee A Fundraising sub-committee was formed. Kurt Vaughn was appointed chairman.
3/31/04 Dunn's Number We obtained a Dunn's number from Dunn & Bradstreet. This number is required for grants.
4/22/04 Donation Letter Our first annual fundraising drive was started by sending a letter to all constituents.
6/23/04 CDF Grant We received a grant for insurance from CDF.
6/28/04 Fire Engine Donation Received a 1965 International Loadstar 1600 fire engine from Danny Waters in Fresno. This old engine will be used for parts only.
7/12/04 Donations Huntington Lake VFD donated equipment.
7/12/04 Incident "Petersen Fire". Approx. 80 acres burning from Petersen Rd. up to Lower Cressman Rd. Worked with CDF, USFS, CDF air support, Shaver Lake VFD, Auberry VFD, Huntington Lake VFD, Bald Mountain VFD, units from all over the state, approx 750 firefighters.
8/11/04 County Money Received $2250 from Fresno county for fire equipment.
8/12/04 County Fuel We can now purchase fuel from Fresno County.
8/25/04 New Member Tina Cheney joined our Department as a Firefighter.
9/19/04 2nd Appreciation Dinner. The second PRVFD Appreciation Dinner was held for all members.
9/19/04 Chief's Award The first Chief's award was presented to Ranger Sue Martin.
10/29/04 Resignation Virginia Pearsall resigned her Road Ranger position. She will continue as Sec/Treas.
12/1/04 New Member Pat Ubbink joined the department as a Road Ranger.
12/15/04 PRVFD Journal The first issue of the PRVFD Journal (newsletter) was published and mailed to residents.
3/5/05 Standby Duty We stood-by while CDF burned along Lower Cressman Rd. (also 3/7/05).
4/28/05 Promotion Sue Martin was promoted to Captain and put in charge of the Road Rangers.
4/28/05 Patches Shoulder patches were distributed to members.
4/28/05 Donation Les & Sharon Moore donated a Jeep snow plow and snow blower to PRVFD.
5/2/05 Pole Barn A new pole barn, on the Banton property, was completed.
5/23/05 E262 Donated Received a 1971 International, Loadstar 1600 fire engine from Huntington Lake VFD (Tom Zinn).
6/29/05 Sold E368 E368 was sold back to Ken Leggett.
6/30/05 New Member Stephanie Broderson joined our Department as an auxiliary member.
7/1/05 Donation Chad & Dianne Staebler donated a Honda pump, Generac generator and 4-wheel cart.
7/28/05 New Member Dory van Loon joined our Department as a Road Ranger.
7/31/05 Donation Edison Co. donated a slip-on pump unit, a trash pump and a small generator.
8/8/05 Donated E568 Leonard Magness took possession of E568 for a new VFD that is starting in Burrough Valley. We are finally able to assist other departments.
8/20/05 Donation HLVFD donated a generator, pump and some floodlights.
8/25/05 New Constitution Revision A of our Constitution was adopted.
8/25/05 New Member Bob Stever joined our Department as a firefighter.
9/2/05 Sold Jeep snow plow Howard & Laurel bought the donated Jeep snow plow.
9/8/05 Sold snow blower Gary Howell bought the donated snow blower.
9/8/05 Move into container All of our surplus equipment and PPE was sorted and moved into our new container at Banton's.
9/10/05 Donated equipment Extra equipment and PPE was donated to the Burrough Valley VFD.
10/16/05 3rd Appreciation dinner The third PRVFD Appreciation Dinner was held for all members.
1/26/06 New Member Chuck Reynolds was inducted into PRVFD.
2/6/06 Medical Training Started a series of First Responder medical classes.
4/19/06 Medical Training First Responder medical training completed. We now have 18 certified First Responders.
4/27/06 New Member Cheryl Reynolds was inducted into PRVFD as a Road Ranger.
5/12/06 Science Day Participated in the Edison Co. Sciene Day at Camp Edison. We staffed both the Highway 168 fire Council station and our own station. E468 and P68 were displayed.
5/19/06 Science Day Participated in the Edison Co. Sciene Day at Camp Edison. We staffed both the Highway 168 fire Council station and our own station. E468 and P68 were displayed.
6/28/06 MACS Designator We received a MACS three-letter designator, PRG, from OES.
6/30/06 Fire Engine Donation Received a 1969 American LaFrance fire engine from Huntington Lake VFD.
7/2/06 Purchased truck Purchased a 1991 Chevrolet pickup from Paul Taylor's son. This truck will become P268.
10/12/06 Water Tender Donation Received a 1959 International water tender from Shaver Lake VFD. This will become WT68.
1/25/07 New Members James & Janet Parr and Frank Borrego joined the department.
2/3/07 S.L. Instant Aid Signed an Instant Aid agreement with SLVFD to jointly cover their jurisdiction for structure fires.
2/26/07 BMFPD Instant Aid Signed an Instant Aid agreement with BMFPD to jointly cover part of their jurisdiction.
4/19/07 Grant Received a Heritage Grant from Fireman's Fund Insurance Co.
5/11/07 Science Day Staffed the fire Council station and our own PRVFD station
5/18/07 Science Day Staffed the fire Council station and our own PRVFD station
5/24/07 Science Day Staffed the fire Council station and our own PRVFD station
8/3/07 FEMA Grant Received a FEMA grant for structure bunker gear
9/21/07 Broderson Welcome We arrived at the Broderson home code-3 and welcomed Stephanie as a firefighter on her 18th birthday
11/20/07 Sold Old E268 Sold old E268 to man on Peterson Rd.
12/28/07 3rd PRVFD Journal The third PRVFD Journal was published
1/31/08 New Members David Lehman, Pete Holeman, Dan & Suzanne Haas joined our department
2/20/08 Issued Turnouts Issued 22 new structure turnout sets to firefighters
5/7/08 Pagers Started receiving dispatch calls on new pagers
5/9/08 Science Day Staffed the fire Council station and our own PRVFD station
5/16/08 Science Day Staffed the fire Council station and our own PRVFD station
5/21/08 Fire Engine Donation Received a 1989 E-ONE fire engine from the Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
5/22/08 Science Day Staffed the fire Council station and our own PRVFD station
5/27/08 Golf Tournament Central Valley Fire Chiefs Assoc. golf tournament. Abb Adkisson and Ken Leggett foursome won
7/5/08 BBQ Held our 2nd BBQ fundraiser at Edison Camp Museum
7/5/08 Incident 79 Patrol Duty at Shaver Lake fireworks show.
11/28/08 Grant Received an AFG grant for hose and wildland PPE
11/30/08 Grant Received a grant for equipment from Firefighters Charitable Foundation
5/8/09 Science Day Participated in the Edison Co. Science days at Camp Edison.
5/13/09 Hose Donation Donated fire hose to Paul Deaton on Peterson Road.
5/15/09 Science Day Participated in the Edison Co. Science days at Camp Edison.
5/29/09 Science Day Participated in the Edison Co. Science days at Camp Edison.
7/3/09 BBQ Held our 3rd BBQ fundraiser at Edison Camp Museum and Marina.
7/3/09 Incident 112 Patrol Duty at Shaver Lake fireworks show.
7/13/09 Fire Shelters Ordered new type fire shelters with leftover funds from AFG grant.
8/8/09 Journal #4 Distributed our 4th PRVFD Journal to PRPOA members.
5/11/10 New Engine Fresno fire Protection District donated a 1987 Ford/Westates Type 1 fire engine to PRVFD
7/3/10 BBQ Held our 4th BBQ fundraiser at Edison Camp Museum and Marina.
7/3/10 Incident 122 Patrol Duty at Shaver Lake fireworks show.
Copyright © 2017 Pine Ridge Volunteer Fire Department, 37340 Pinewood Ln, Shaver Lake, CA 93664 l Site Map l Design, Hosting and Maintenance by Talahi Media Arts