Fundraising |
The Pine Ridge Fire Department's only source of revenue is from donations and grants from our constituents and outside agencies. Grants are usually earmarked for specific equipment. As a result, funding operating expenses (insurance, fuel, repair, etc.) is a challenging and ongoing process. Do we always raise enough money to cover our Operating Expense? No we don't. So, we are asking for your support.
PRVFD is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, so most donations made to PRVFD are tax deductible.
Please consider making a cash contribution, large or small, to PRVFD. All funds received will be ear-marked to fund our Operating Expenses unless specifically designated otherwise. Your contributions will help maintain fire protection in our area and preserve the majestic forest of the Central Sierra.
Contributions can be mailed directly to us at 36280 Cressman Rd, Shaver Lake, CA 93664. Donations can also be made from this website by filling in the form on the "Donations" page. This service operates in a Secure environment. Sensitive data is encrypted for the protection of our valued constituents. Most credit cards are accepted.
You are also invited to participate in our Receipt and Scrip programs and to attend the annual BBQ. The details of these programs are provided in the next section. |
Mar-Val Receipt Program: The Mar-Val Market in Prather, California will donate a percentage of your purchase to the PRVFD. If you shop at Mar-Val Market, please join their Community Service Program when you checkout. Tell them that your charity is the Pine Ridge VFD. You will receive a card that can be swiped at each visit.
Scrip Program: Purchasing Scrip is another easy way to support the PRVFD without any cost to you. Scrip is like a gift card that is available for hundreds of well-known stores, restaurants, movies, gas, etc. You pay the full amount of the card, usually $25, $50 or $100 amounts, and you get that much purchasing power.
The Scrip Company then returns a percentage to us which the vendor absorbs. You can see all the participating vendors and obtain more information about the company by visiting them at the following website: https://www.shopwithscrip.com/. This is an easy way to help your fire department without any cost to you. Our Scrip Coordinator, Virginia Pearsall, will help you with your purchase and provide all the information you need. Virginia can be reached at (559) 841-7774. |
Amazon Smile Program: If you often shop at amazon.com on the Web, you can help us by joining their Amazon Smile program. Log in to smile.amazon.com, signup and select Pine Ridge VFD as your charity. From then on when you shop at Amazon, sign in at amazonsmile.com. We will then receive a percentage of however much you spend. It's another win/win opportunity; no cost to you, a little money to help the PRVFD.
Fundraising Events: We have a fundraising Tri-Tip Barbecue and a Wine Tasting event each year to help keep our department operating. This year's Tri-Tip BBQ will be on Saturday, June 30, 2018 in Shaver Lake.
T-Shirt Sales: We sell very nice T-Shirts, with our name and logo, at all our fundraising events as well as at Cressman's Store on Hwy. 168 at the top of the 168 4-lane. They make very nice family gifts. Please consider PRVFD shirt for birthdays and at Christmas.
The PRVFD will also accept gifts of restorable fire fighting vehicles or equipment.
Our talented members can often repair and restore donated equipment that can then be put into service or offered for
sale to other fire departments. Please contact Fire Chief James Parr if you think you might have something we could use.
As the old adage goes; "One person's trash is another person's treasure".